What is a CSA share?

Community Supported Agriculture shares are one way to support Dropseed Farm by providing the resources to grow your food at the beginning of the season while you enjoy fresh vegetables delivered weekly throughout the season. You can think of it as a weekly subscription box of veggies. Each week brings new crops ripening for our harvest throughout the year. If the weather brings us devastating rains or scorching heat, you can expect to see this reflected in your vegetables. Crop diversity is maintained for this reason. Sharing the enjoyment and risk involved with vegetable farming in today’s world should propel our growers into stability, resiliency, and systems of mutual support.

How does it work?

At the beginning of the season, you pay for 17 weeks of vegetable deliveries, the final box of the season is free. Each weekly box will average a value of about $35 of fresh organic vegetables. This amount usually feeds two veggie-lovers or four veggie-curious people. Jess will deliver boxes to your doorstep or workplace within the Dubuque area.

Early bird price by April 4th: $575
Regular price by May 31st: $595
Pay as you go: $35/box, as available

What will be in your box of veggies?

The season begins with cool weather crops like leafy greens, salad mix, lettuce, radishes, broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, and herbs. Then the warm summer days bring us tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, zucchini, and melons. In the fall, you can expect winter squash, garlic, onions, leeks, more broccoli, carrots, and cabbage. Each weekly box will also have storage tips and favorite recipes.

When will the boxes be delivered?

In mid-June, the first of the crops come to harvest. You will receive an email about when to expect the first delivery. Deliveries are planned for Wednesday evenings between 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm, until mid-October.

What if you have a vacation planned or need to adjust your schedule?

We can easily adjust the schedule and price of your CSA when you pay. Maybe you just want to do half of the season, that’s okay too! The important part is having a predictable schedule that works for both of us throughout the season. If something comes up unexpectedly, maybe you have a neighbor or friend who would enjoy some veggies while you’re out of town. I can also deliver your box to a food pantry or childcare center on my usual route.

What is a Market Share?

A market share is like a pre-pay account. You can pay any amount at the beginning of the season, then select your veggies at the farmer’s market whenever you like. I will keep track of your totals each time you visit the stand. You can choose plants for your garden as well. In 2025, Dropseed Farm will not be present every Saturday. A schedule of market days is available at the stand or here. Occasional drop-ins may happen if crops are extra abundant!

Email dropseedfarmer@gmail.com to sign up

Dropseed Farm is a small-scale organic farm growing more than vegetables. Bring home these vegetables and find peace knowing that thesoil, insects, birds, and bees were warmly greeted throughout the life of the food you’re consuming. I am not new to farming, land stewardship, or the work of care taking. I am new to asking for support.  

Dropseed Farm LLC

Certified Organic through MOSA and The Real Organic Project
Located at the Sinsinawa Mound Collaborative Farm

© 2022 Dropseed Farm      

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